NOTE: Images can be downloaded directly from this page. The PowerPoint Presentation requires that you fill out the form below. A separate page will open that has the presentation in a downloadable format.
Most of these images are in high resolution and are suitable for use on your website and publications. We freely permit you to download these files to your servers. Red indicates brand-new items.
PowerPoint Presentation
This is a great tool for educating consumers and employees about SCHMETZ Household Sewing Machine Needles. This presentation contains approximately 50 slides with accompanying text that describes the subject matter for each particular slide. The file is approximately 16 MB in size. Please fill out the form below.
Once you fill out the form and click SUBMIT, a separate page will open that contains the downloadable PowerPoint Presentation file. Please save the presentation to your computer.
I wish to download the SCHMETZ PowerPoint Presentation. I acknowledge that by entering the information below, I will be automatically signed up for the Euro-notions Monthly Newsletter. I can cancel my participation at any time by opting out by clicking “Unsubscribe” at the bottom of the newsletter.
Please fill out the following form. Once you fill out the form and click SUBMIT, a separate page will open that contains the link to the downloadable PowerPoint Presentation. You will need to unzip the file once it is saved to your computer.SCHMETZ Needle Class Material
CLICK HERE to view the complete SCHMETZ Needle Academy Class Packet material.
High-Resolution Image Files
The files below can be downloaded directly from this page. Images will open on a new page.
Bold Red indicates new items.