SCHMETZ 24" x 36" Display


The SCHMETZ Large Display is an easier and better way to show and sell SCHMETZ carded needles. Make your needle area stand out with a large, colorful SCHMETZ Display. This display has space for 36 SCHMETZ cards. The two-inch pegs can hold up to 10 cards each.

– 24” x 36” with (2”) pegs
– Sturdy reinforced conVerd board construction
– 36 pegs hold ten cards of needles (1 box)
– Generic back cards make reorders easy
– Helpful needle information including color chart printed on display perimeter
– Order fully loaded with the 36 best-selling SCHMETZ Needles or empty

SKU # Description UPC
SCH-DISPLAY SCHMETZ 24″ x 36″ Display with 36 SKUs. 03634639997
  Ships with one box each:
(10 cards x 36 SKU’s = 360 cards):
1708 Universal, 70/10
1709 Universal, 80/12
1710 Universal, 90/14
1711 Univ. Asst. (5) (70/80/90)
1712 Denim, 100/16
1713 Stretch, 90/14
1714 Ball Point, 80/12
1715 Leather, 90/14
1716 Twin, 2.0/80
1719 Quilting, 90/14
1720 Machine Embroidery, 90/14
1721 Universal, 65/9
1722 Stretch, 75/11
1727 Ball Point, Asst. (5) (70/80/90)
1729 Microtex, Sharp, 70/10
1730 Microtex, Sharp, 80/12
1731 Microtex, Sharp, 90/14
1732 Microtex, Sharp, 60/8
1735 Quilting, 75/11
1743 Metallic, 80/12
1745 Machine Embroidery, 75/11
1752 Metallic, 90/14
1778 Universal, 100/16
1782 Denim, 90/14
1786 Leather, 110/18
1788 Twin, Dbl. Asst. (1.6/70,2.0/80,3.0/90)
1792 Topstitch, 80/12
1793 Topstitch, 90/14
1794 Twin, 4.0/80
1824 Gold Embroidery, 75/11
1825 Gold Embroidery, 90/14
1833 Universal, (10) 80/12
1835 Universal Asst. (10) (70/80/90/100)
1836 Denim Asst. (90/100/110)
1839 Microtex Asst. (60/70/80)
1840 Elna ELx705 Asst. (80/90)
Empty 24″ x 36″ SCHMETZ Display